One on One meetings, either in person or via Teleconference.
Discussion and the creation of a Strategic Plan specifically related to your career in Canada.
Help to locate specific neighborhoods, schools, housing types, and businesses.
Locating International Movers to help bring your items to Canada. Including Customs clearance.
Family and Individual Assessment based on your goals and dreams.
School Finder, specializing in Private Academies and Sports Programs.
We can help you choose a University, College or High school based on the area of expertise you wish to gain. This includes looking at the minimum requirements, grades and diplomas translated, and courses offered to help you get into the programs of choice if you do not have the prerequisites.
Also includes: apartment/housing shopping for you and a personal tour of your area, local shopping centres and using the transit system to get you to where you want to go. We will also pick you up from the airport.
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